RE: #1 -Butterfly SCS-4000 Shakehand Racket Buy
Butterfly SCS-4000 Shakehand Racket 1#Best deal Butterfly SCS-4000 Shakehand Racket with FREE shipping if you order over $25. Buy Butterfly SCS-4000 Shakehand Racket now 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.
Product Description Table tennis is a very individualized sport. Which racket is 1#Best for you may differ from that of your opponent. At the tournament level, players select their own blade and rubber combination that 1#Best suits their unique style of play. PROBLEM: Due to the type of glue that is used, almost all pre-assembled rackets sold today are not intended to be customized. When the rubber surface becomes 'slick/old', the entire racket is intended to be discarded. When cared for properly, a blade will last years. However, the rubber surface of the racket is very delicate and its characteristics will deteriorate over time and must be replaced. SOLUTION: Butterfly's Super Core Series! This racket was designed using higher quality wood and specially formulated glue that will allow you to customize it to your specifications. When the rubber of this racket becomes 'slick/old', DO NOT throw it away. Dial in your game by replacing the rubber or upgrade to another rubber which offers more speed and/or spin. At the world class level, more players choose Butterfly blades and rubber sheets than any other brand.Features
Where to buy Butterfly SCS-4000 Shakehand Racket?You can buy Butterfly SCS-4000 Shakehand Racket 1#Best price with super saver shipping. See more prices, shipping options available and additional information via click the link below - Get it Now!Related Products |
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