RE: -#1- American Revolutionary War Theme Chess Set by Studio Anne Carlton Cheap

RE: #1 -American Revolutionary War Theme Chess Set by Studio Anne Carlton Cheap

American Revolutionary War Theme Chess Set by Studio Anne Carlton

Looking to buy American Revolutionary War Theme Chess Set by Studio Anne Carlton cheap price? We offer 1#Best deals American Revolutionary War Theme Chess Set by Studio Anne Carlton for sale.

American Revolutionary War Theme Chess Set by Studio Anne Carlton
American Revolutionary War Theme Chess Set by Studio Anne Carlton
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American Revolutionary War Theme Chess Set by Studio Anne Carlton.
Product Description
The British King George III decided that he must punish the disobedient colonists in North America for their refusal to submit to his authority and pay taxes to the British Crown. He sent his army commanded by Lord Cornwallis to subdue the revolutionaries. This splendid chess set Features many of the famous historical characters of the period. George Washington Betsy Ross Benjamin Franklin and Paul Revere are just a few who played an important part in the struggle to claim independence from the British Crown. Chess Set Specifications King Height: 4.25" King Base: 1 1 2" Material: Ground Stone (heavy and durable) Brown & Ivory in Antiqued Finish Felt Bottom History and description of chess pieces printed on fine parchment paper. Packaged in decorative cardboard box with formed tray for individual piece storage. We recommend a chess board with 2 1 4" squares (not included).

Where to buy American Revolutionary War Theme Chess Set by Studio Anne Carlton?

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