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Chess Openings Wizard Professional Chess Database Software

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Chess Openings Wizard Professional Chess Database Software

Product By : ChessCentral
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Chess Openings Wizard Professional Chess Database Software

  • Sample opening ebooks that will teach you opening theory fast.
  • Instant opinions from Crafty and/or Ruffian, strong computer analysis engines.
  • Create and export clear .bmp diagrams of any position.
  • Ability to instantly compare your internet games to all your theory - instantly!
  • Add audio annotation in Chess Openings Wizard.

Chess Openings Wizard Professional Chess Database Software.
Product Description
Chess Openings Wizard is a powerful software program for Windows that helps you design and learn opening theory fast.Chess Openings Wizard has been described as a chess book that "comes to life on the screen." The most common application is quick research and training in chess opening theory. Chess Openings Wizard stores each position and finds any transposition (regardless of move order) instantly. This feature makes Chess Openings Wizard ideal for keeping track of opening theory. This new Professional version lets you record audio just as easily as you now add a comment. The Professional version will allow you to add video and synchronize it with moves and marks on the diagram - and much more! Grandmaster theoreticians and skilled chess teachers have created ebooks about specific openings and defenses, middlegames, endgames and even tactics in the Chess Openings Wizard format. With Chess Openings Wizard you get:* Sample opening ebooks that will teach you opening theory fast. * Fast searches of all your PGN games simultaneously. * Positional trees that show all the knowledge from all your games together. * Instant opinions from Crafty and/or Ruffian, strong computer analysis engines. * A way to test yourself so you know that you know the theory. * Ability to instantly compare your internet games to all your theory - instantly!* Create and export clear .bmp diagrams of any position* Add audio annotation in Chess Openings Wizard. Record your voice and the changes you make to the board so that it all plays back like a movie!The Professional version of Chess Openings Wizard adds sophisticated Features that find the critical lines (Backsolving), typesetting of openings (sheet printing), overnight computer analysis of your opening (EPD analysis), novelty research (power tools) and more.System Requirements: Windows XP, 2000 or Vista plus 512MB RAM is required for Chess Openings Wizard.

Where to buy Chess Openings Wizard Professional Chess Database Software?

You can buy Chess Openings Wizard Professional Chess Database Software 1#Best price with super saver shipping. See more prices, shipping options available and additional information via click the link below - Get it Now!


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