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Warmachine Two Player Battle Box Buy Warmachine Two Player Battle Box now 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.
. Product Description STEP INTO A WORLD FORGED OF IRON AND TEMPERED BY WAR.The mighty forces of the northern Khadoran Empire are bolstered by their ideals of strength and resilience in their clash with the devout and zealous crusaders of the Protectorate of Menoth. At the center of this titanic clash, the deadly Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff leads an elite strike force of powerful Khadoran warjacks and soldiers against the holy knights of the Protectorate of Menoth led by their champion High Exemplar Kreoss and his personal retinue of warjacks.WARMACHINE is a fast-paced and aggressive 30 mm tabletop miniatures battle game set in the steam-powered fantasy world of the Iron Kingdoms. Take control of an elite soldier-sorcerer called a warcaster and his mighty warjacks-massive steam-powered combat automatons-as you battle to destroy the enemy warcaster.CONTAINS EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR A TWO-PLAYER GAME.Complete Prime MKII rules in a travel-sized booklet (86 pages), introductory guide, dice, ruler, and 17 plastic WARMACHINE models with corresponding stat cards.Features
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